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Graphql VS Restful

1. Graphql Basic

1.1 Ideas

Graphql is a language

Graphql is a brand-new language, just like other programming languages:

query {
  author(id:1) {
  post(id:1) {

The backend server need to parse this query string and handle the request.

Always HTTP POST Request

Graphql requests are always sent as an HTTP POST request, with the body like:

  "query": "mutation {\n  upvotePost(postId:1) {\n    id\n    title\n    author {\n      id\n      firstName\n      lastName\n    }\n    votes\n  }\n}",
  "variables": null


$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":"mutation {\n  upvotePost(postId:1) {\n    id\n    title\n    author {\n      id\n      firstName\n      lastName\n    }\n    votes\n  }\n}","variables":null}' http://localhost:3000/graphql

Graphql is a string when making query

As you can see in previous example, graphql is a customized language, it’s query will be sent as a string inside the POST json body (field query).

Graphql is explicit

Means you will need to write down every field, every single character of your requests, no implicit allowed.


query {
  friend {
    client: I guess you know what I want, no?
    server: NO!


query {
  friend {
    client: Hey dude, I need A B C D ...
    server: Sure!

1.2 Example

Let’s have an example to get familiar with the Graphql implementation. I won’t touch too much basic grammars in this post, you can find them here:


Graphql is a design / concept initially by Facebook:

So Graphql itself is NOT AN IMPLEMENTATION. When you need to do real app developing, you should choose an implementation / tool / library.

Apollo is a choice, and the pioneer in this area. graphql-tools is another, and more developer / project friendly.

In short, Apollo wants to build an ecosystem, from frontend client to backend, all the tools provided by their company, and it has paid service. On the other hand graphql-tools is a set of tools to help you develop the graphql backends (or mostly your schema), it won’t limit you, you even can choose your favorite web server (express or koa or others) without any restriction.

So in the example, I will show you how to use graphql-tools.


All your models and apis or others are all recognized as typeDefs by graphql-tools. You can put them in a single *.graphql file or multiple files.

type Author {
  id: Int!
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  the list of Posts by this author
  posts: [Post]

type Post {
  id: Int!
  title: String
  votes: Int
  the Author of this post
  author: Author

# the schema allows the following query:
type Query {
  posts: [Post]
  post(id: Int!): Post
  author(id: Int!): Author

# this schema allows the following mutation:
type Mutation {
  upvotePost(postId: Int!): Post

You only need to pay attention to:

  • Query:

    • Actually it’s not a type, it’s the root entrance of all the query apis
    • Put all your GET RESTful apis here
    • This area is the core of the Graphql server
  • Mutation:

    • Same as above, it’s the root entrance of all the mutation apis
    • Put all your post/put/delete RESTful apis here
    • This area is not too GRAPHQL WAY, a bit ugly, e.g a lot updateXXX deleteXXX etc


resolvers is the actual business logic handler in Graphql backend. It’s used to answer the query of specific type, and return the data client need.

The signature of resolver is fixed:

type someResolver = (source: undefined, args: Record<string, any>, context: YourContextType, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => Promise<SomeGraphqlType>;
  • source:

    • if current resolver is a root level resolver, this source is always undefined
    • if current resolver is a sub-resolver, it will get the parent resolver’s response as source
    • see example below: Author.posts or
  • args: the graphql arguments, find the doc here
  • context: the context object initialized at graphql server startup, will talk about the detail later
  • info: the graphql server runtime details, about the runtime context of current request, in most cases you won’t need this, doc here

Have an example. First, see the definition part in typescript:

export interface Context {
  postDb: PostDB;
  authorDb: AuthorDB;

export interface RootResolvers<TSource = undefined, TArgs = Record<string, any>, TContext = Context, TInfo = GraphQLResolveInfo> {
  Query: {
    posts: (source: TSource, args: TArgs, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Post[]>;
    post: (source: TSource, args: { id: number }, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Post>;
    author: (source: TSource, args: { id: number }, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Author>;
  Mutation: {
    upvotePost: (source: TSource, args: { postId: number }, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Post>;
  Author: {
    posts: (source: Author, args: TArgs, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Post[]>;
  Post: {
    author: (source: Post, args: TArgs, context: TContext, info: TInfo) => Promise<Author>;

Second, the implementation in typescript:

export default {
  Query: {
    posts: async (_o, _a, ctx) => ctx.postDb.findAll(),
    post: async (_, { id }, ctx) => ctx.postDb.findById(id),
    author: async (_, { id }, ctx) => ctx.authorDb.findById(id)
  Mutation: {
    upvotePost: async (_, { postId }, ctx) => {
      const post = await ctx.postDb.findById(postId);
      if (!post) {
        throw new Error(`Couldn't find post with id ${postId}`);
      post.votes += 1;
      return post;
  Author: {
    posts: async (source, _args, ctx) => ctx.postDb.findByAuthorId(
  Post: {
    author: async (source, _args, ctx) => ctx.authorDb.findById(source.authorId)
} as RootResolvers;

The most important point is: all the type you defined in the schema, you have to provide a resolver for it, to give the response.


Server startup phase, the context will be initialized and provided to the graphql-tools. Commonly it contains the facilities, like DB or Cache etc.

const context = {
  postDb: new PostDB(),
  authorDb: new AuthorDB()
} as Context;

    // ...,
    // ...


For server startup, it’s just like a normal express server startup. We will use express-graphql as additional middleware to handle all the graphql requests.

Need to prepare the schema of your Graphql server, then provide it to the middleware.

Example of building schema:

import * as LibPath from 'path';
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema';
import { mergeResolvers, mergeTypeDefs } from '@graphql-tools/merge';
import { loadFiles } from '@graphql-tools/load-files';

const makeSchema = async () => {
  const typesSourceStrArr = await loadFiles(LibPath.join(__dirname, 'types/**/*.graphql'));
  const types = mergeTypeDefs(typesSourceStrArr);
  const resolversSourceStrArr = await loadFiles(LibPath.join(__dirname, 'resolvers/**/*.js'));
  const resolvers = mergeResolvers(resolversSourceStrArr);

  return makeExecutableSchema({
    typeDefs: types,

export const schemaPromise = makeSchema();

It will read all the *.graphql type files and all the resolvers/**/*.js resolver files, then make a schema. Of course if you have more, like fragments or directives, they should all be handled here.


const app = express();
const schema = await schemaPromise;

morgan.token('body', (req, res) => JSON.stringify((req as any).body));
app.use(morgan('[:date[clf]] :method :url :status :req[content-length] :body'));

const context = {
  postDb: new PostDB(),
  authorDb: new AuthorDB()
} as Context;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
    graphiql: true,
    customFormatErrorFn: (error) => {
      return {
        message: error.message,
        locations: error.locations,
        stack: error.stack ? error.stack.split('\n') : [],
        path: error.path

app.listen(3000, () => {'Listening on http://localhost:3000/graphql');


Further, we need to talk more about the GRAPHQL WAY.

Say we have several APIs:

  • GET /post/:id return the Post data without detailed author data
  • GET /post/:id/author return the Author detail according to post id
  • GET /post/:id/all return the Post data with detailed author data
  • GET /author/:id return the Author data without posts list
  • GET /author/:id/posts return the posts list according to author id
  • GET /author/:id/all return the Author data with posts list

As you can see, if we face some requirements which need to join multiple types into one API call, it makes RESTful a bit verbose.

Next, let’s see how Graphql handle such case. To make it short, let’s focus on the Author case.

We have defined Author in typescript and graphql:

export interface Author {
  id: number;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  posts?: Post[];
type Author {
  id: Int!
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  posts: [Post]

According to the client’s query:

  • query { author(id:1) { id firstName lastName } } same as GET /author/:id
  • query { author(id:1) { posts { id title votes } } } same as GET /author/:id/posts
  • query { author(id:1) { id firstName lastName posts { id title votes } } } same as GET /author/:id/all

It’s really flexible, right? But we need to see how the backend achieved this. See the underneath posts resolver belongs to Author type:

export default {
  Author: {
    posts: async (source, _args, ctx) => ctx.postDb.findByAuthorId(

In addition, have a look at the DB:

export class AuthorDB {
  private readonly authors: Author[];

  constructor() {
    this.authors = [
      { id: 1, firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Coleman' },
      { id: 2, firstName: 'Sashko', lastName: 'Stubailo' },
      { id: 3, firstName: 'Mikhail', lastName: 'Novikov' }
    ] as Author[];

  public async findById(authorId: number): Promise<Author | undefined> {
    return Promise.resolve(find(this.authors, { id: authorId }));

As you can see the Author data stored in db has no posts related info. It means the Author returned from DB has no posts attached.

Actually when client added posts under Author query, the flow is: when the request located on server:

  • it will first go to to retrieve the target Author from DB (which has no posts)
  • then it will go to resolvers.Author.posts to retrieve the posts accordingly (the sub-resolver will receive Author data as source as we mentioned above)

Author.posts resolver means: resolver to handle field posts of Author type, graphql-tools knows when should go to this resolver.

We have talked about this in Resolvers chapter, designer need to be very careful, when there is a field added in the schema, it always needs a resolver to return the data accordingly. If the server has this resolver missing, then client will always get null as a result for this field.

2. Pros Cons

2.1 Pros

Strong Validation


Version control Error beforehand when parsing


query {
  po1: post(id: 1) {
  po2: post(id: 2) {
  author(id: 1) {
    posts {
      You can make endless loop here, matryoshka 俄罗斯套娃

Less HTTP Request

If the backend is designed in THE GRAPHQL WAY, it could significantly reduce the HTTP requests count between the client and the backend, since most data client need could be put inside one or multiple Grapqhl queries rather than make a lot of HTTP requests to fetch.

Less Bandwidth Consumption

Along with previous point, as in common JWT and cookies are used, the headers are very big and need to be attached to every HTTP request. So if the backend could be designed in THE GRAPHQL WAY, it can reduce the bandwidth consumption.

Also, the flexibility of Graphql system can help to reduce the consumption of scenario like:

  • Client want A.half and B.half
  • RESTful need to fetch A and B, then do the filtering get the required fields join them, then the bandwidth is consumed by the size of A + B
  • Graphql only need one query to fetch A.half + B.half, the HTTP request consumption of one API is saved, also the another half piece of A + B are saved too

Enhance Server Performance

If the backend is well-designed in THE GRAPHQL WAY, means every query contains multiple data fetching requests, this may reduce the DB or Cache IO for duplicate data then reduce the server consumption, enhance the performance.

Enhance Client Performance

Same as backend, significantly reduce the HTTP requests count browser / client would send (if the design is following THE GRAPHQL WAY).

2.2 Cons

Difficult to read the logs

Graphql request contains the query as a string in the request body, and it would be put in the log as a string inside the json object, and would be escaped like:

{"query":"query {\n  complexity(id:1) {\n    id\n    field1\n    field2\n    field3\n    field4\n    field5\n    type1 {\n      id\n      tf11\n      tf12\n    }\n    type2 {\n      id\n      tf21\n      tf22\n    }\n    additionalField1\n    additionalField2\n    additionalField3\n  }\n}","variables":null}

It’s very difficult to recognize the request (would be even worse for some large query), especially when you need to identify some fields related issues.

Additionally, since the log contains the graphql query string with all the fields in it, the log would be super large for single request, and extremely hard to follow (tail -f, soon drowned in the logs flow).

Difficult to trace

For microservice system, API tracing is a must. For tools like Jaeger, there is no official plugins to support recognizing the graphql query string inside the request body. It could be an issue to decode the graphql query string then pick necessary data and put them in the tracing log.

Difficult to debug

If you want to make a test call by curl, it could be simply done by writing it manually:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/complexity/1

Have a look at the graphql example below. It’s almost impossible to be done without the help of tool. Even with tools, still very difficult:

  • graphql is a string, so it’s difficult to write it manually, especially the query string in json body (escaped by \n)
  • graphql is explicit, it’s very difficult to handle large query, since you will have to list all the fields, you have no way to remember so many fields
$ curl -X POST -d '{"query":"query {\n  complexity(id:1) {\n    id\n    field1\n    field2\n    field3\n    field4\n    field5\n    type1 {\n      id\n      tf11\n      tf12\n    }\n    type2 {\n      id\n      tf21\n      tf22\n    }\n    additionalField1\n    additionalField2\n    additionalField3\n  }\n}","variables":null}' -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:3000/graphql

Difficult to be designed and implemented

For graphql, there is no API (flexible), all you need to do is define the types in *.graphql, then write resolvers to handle it. So for those nested / joined models, it’s the responsibility of backend to keep them correctly defined and resolved. (You can find example above, in the Example chapter author.posts)

The backend API designer need to consider carefully how to put those nested fields / models / types mixed together. Also need to carefully design the Cache system / IO system, since you may query same record multiple times in the same graphql API call, e.g:

  • one graphql call contains 2 separated queries inside: post query and author query
  • post query retrieved post item id 1 from db
  • author query also retrieve post item id 1 from db for author.posts field (since this post is written by this author)
  • means there are two (or more) db io for the same record happened

For those complex system or complex business, the backend of Graphql API system would be difficult to be designed and maintained.

If the Graphql backend is designed like a RESTful API system (Query.getUser, Query.getUserAge, one by one), means it is NOT GRAPHQL WAY. It will lose the advantages of Graphql but take all the dis-advantages.

Furthermore, for some edge case, there would be some unnecessary IO. See the case of query { author(id:1) { posts { id title votes } } }, we meant to query posts written by some author, but this query will be located on resolver first, means there will be an Author IO first, though we don’t need this data in the response. This is also an issue of Graphql design, and need to be considered carefully.

Network Quality Sensitive

RESTful is like lots of small HTTP requests. Graphql is like less count, but bigger size HTTP requests.

When HTTP request lost or failed, for RESTful it means there is a small piece broken, but for Graphql it means more.

3. Compare with RESTful

Item RESTful Graphql
Query Size / One Request Query content is string, so it’s bigger than RESTful Smaller
Query Size / Whole Business Less requests than RESTful means smaller size in total More requests than Graphql means more duplicated Headers, bigger size in total
Tech / Design difficulty Difficult Easy
Developer friendly No too good Better
Performance According to the design and implementation Stable

4. Suggestion

Choose RESTful as the default solution

RESTful has the stable performance, easy to be designed and implemented. Has good tool chain support, more developer friendly. In all the cases, RESTful won’t fail you.

Choose Graphql when facing some specific requirements

Graphql is good at some specific scenario:

  • making a flexible API system, like some open API platform (e.g facebook API)
  • making a middleware inside a Large system, like a gateway
  • if your client changes the data it needs frequently, Graphql will be a good idea.

If you choose to use Graphql, take care of the API design

As we discussed all the above, according to the API design, the Graphql backend implementation will have completely different performance. Need to focus on THE GRAPHQL WAY, if you think it’s not the correct way to design your Graphql backend, or it’s not what you need. Then you need to think why to choose Graphql, why not RESTful.